Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm Part of the Internet Video (YouTube) World!

Last Christmas we took a short trip to Vegas. Not my favorite place in the world, must say, and I had a family loss while I was there, so the trip wasn't as fun as I'd hoped. But there was one thing that stood out as a spectacular experience for me: The fountains at the Bellagio. This is some of the best musical choreography I have seen anywhere! (And I have watched a lot of musicals). When I saw that there was a collection of other Bellagio "performances" available on, I decided it was time I join the viral video world and post my own little non-art for all to see:

It's interesting taking part in this. I am now the (published/distributed) creator of one of the millions of pieces of shtuff you have to sift through out there to find something worth watching. It may be non-art, it may be folk film/video art, it may be nothing but a time passer, but it's fun.

As far as the vid itself, the reason I couldn't resist posting my own video of the fountain (when there are so many already posted on there) is because I couldn't find one that had music or choreography as exciting and moving as the one I happened to have my camera pointing toward at just the right moment. And none of them capture the wonderful sounds of the shooting and crashing water. Others, on the other hand, capture a much wider angle of view and show you much more of the scope of what the fountains achieve visually. But it's not as immediate or exciting as mine is for me. So maybe it'll be exciting for other people too.

Now, if I had wanted to make art of it, I would have used multiple cameras, good sound recording, and edited it all together so you could see wide views, and tighter views alike. I would have paid attention to the timing of the music and choreography and then choreographed my editing accordingly. I would have kept it interesting while not taking away from the spectacle itself. But I didn't even have one video or film camera with me, and this is the best my little still camera could give me. Just be thankful I didn't get it with my cell phone instead. Ha!

I know. I think too much. Even about my own non-art. But now since I have broken the ice with this, maybe I can start creating and posting my own video art. Stay tuned!

Back to the full blog...


Elisabeth said...

PS -- this is also my first time embedding video on my blog. If you don't know how it works, you can click on the little play button to watch it in the blog page, or if you click on the whole image, it'll take you to YouTube and show it to you there. After that you can give mine a 5-star rating on, and write a comment for all to see about how much you think this is the best video you ever have seen. ;)

Elisabeth said...

other good bellagio fountain displays if you are interested:

Singing in the Rain

Viva Las Vegas

Time to Say Goodbye

All That Jazz

By the way, that is not Celine Dion singing Time to Say Goodbye with Andrea Bocelli like the women in the video say. It is in fact Sarah Brightman.

Anonymous said...

all that jazz is really cool!

Elisabeth said...

Isn't it? I almost didn't make it all the way through because it is a long one. But that last part is so sweet how they used the lights.

Anonymous said...

Loved it. That is one of my favorite Christmas songs. The fountains really feel like each part of the harmony.


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